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our Agency The Agency is the company's partner in system optimization of quality management and certification. Notre agence
About Qualitae Welcome to the Agency for conformity assessment accompanying the company on the path of excellence and recognition. Le mot du président
Objectives & Policies The Agency shares and valorizes the quality mission of the company by a posture of listening for customer's satisfaction. Politique & déontologie
Business sectors Oriented primarily building and industries of construction products, the Agency remains a generalist of regulation and certification. Secteurs d'activités
Legal informations Find the legal informations of the Agency of assessment conformity and its website. Mentions légales

Objectives & Policies

Objectives / Missions

  • Valuing the company by certification
      Give confidence to its prospects, its customers, its partners is a guarantee of sustainability and development for the company, the recognition brought by third party certification is an essential tool contributing to this issue.
  • Promoting the company's quality synergies
      Associated with many actors of quality and certification, whether notified or accredited body, we offer our customers to have a skilled and dynamic professional network.
  • Assisting the company's quality mission
      Punctually or in long-term collaboration, our auditors and consultants assist the quality management optimization of your company, obtaining or maintaining certification, thereby supporting the value of your business.

Customer Policy

  • Reactivity
      Our organization is structured in a constant flexibility, agility and ability to respond quickly to requests from our customers.
  • Efficiency
      Our expertise fits the needs of our customers by listening and expertise of our experienced collaborators of the quality and certification.
  • Profitability
      Our compensation is apprehended, first and foremost as a business investment that trust us to reach a value added.

quality commitment / ethics

  • Privacy, trust
      These essentials ethical principles in the exercise of our activity are the basis for the lasting relationship we want to implement.
  • Integrity, impartiality, independence
      Lack of bias, need for neutrality, our audits scrupulously respect the objectivity and fairness in the relationship between the parties.