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our Agency The Agency is the company's partner in system optimization of quality management and certification. Notre agence
About Qualitae Welcome to the Agency for conformity assessment accompanying the company on the path of excellence and recognition. Le mot du président
Objectives & Policies The Agency shares and valorizes the quality mission of the company by a posture of listening for customer's satisfaction. Politique & déontologie
Business sectors Oriented primarily building and industries of construction products, the Agency remains a generalist of regulation and certification. Secteurs d'activités
Legal informations Find the legal informations of the Agency of assessment conformity and its website. Mentions légales

Legal informations


Company name : QUALITAE
Legal form : Société par Actions Simplifiée (SAS)
Legal representative : Christophe CHABBI
Registered office : 3 Rue Rolland 33000 BORDEAUX - FRANCE
Registry of Trade and Companies : BORDEAUX - FRANCE
SIRET Number : 538 876 087 00015
EEC VAT Number : FR 83 538 876 087
NAF Code : 7022 Z


Designer : Area 51
Web Host : Ovh
CMS platform : Joomla
Illustrations : Area 51, Maëliss, Wikimedia Commons, Iconfinder
Writter : Qualitae